Due Date: March 24, 2012
Weight gain: -1/2 lb.
Maternity clothes: Yes & I’m not liking them. I can’t get comfy in anything I wear except my pajamas!
Sleep: Not very good lately.
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly, sleeping through the night, bending over, & clear skin
Movement: He kicks all the time…
Sex: BOY!!!! Brady James Seals
Food cravings: Dos-si-dos
What I'm looking forward to: Finishing Brady’s nursery
I’m 9 months pregnant!!!
My weekly check up went well. Everything is still going well. I lost another ½ lb, which seems very weird to me because I’m eating like I should. But my Girl Scout cookies came in this week, so I’m sure Thursday, at my next appointment, I will see a gain, instead of a loss. She did the strep test on me and I should have the results back at my next appointment. She said if I do have strep, then they’ll just give me antibiotics during delivery. She also checked my cervics & they are still closed tight.
Steven & I went to an infant CPR class this week. It was a good class. I’m so glad we attended because we both learned a lot. I think it’s SO important to always be prepared, but the whole time we were in class I kept thinking, “I hope I never have to use any of this”.
I can tell I’m beginning to move a lot slower these days. I really don’t think I’ll make it to March 24. I’m hoping that I can at least make it one more week, then Brady will be full-term whenever he’s born. Steven thinks he’ll make his debut on March 8th because that’s when we’ll have the next full moon. I’m hoping for Spring Break…but we’ll just have to see. I still have a lot to do with his room, well, actually, Steven has to put some furniture together and put up the rods for his curtains…other than that, I’m pretty much done.