Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Quints - 11 Months

A part of me is so happy that these monthly posts about the quints is almost over, it's such a chore to write about what 5 babies are doing every month, but I did it for Brady, so I'm determined to do it for them too, and I know I'll be so happy I did in a few years when I need to be reminded who did what and when. On the flip side, it saddens me that this first year of their life is coming to a quick end. I'm still going to post about what they're up to, because this is my journal about our lives and I know where I can go to refresh my memory about certain events, but I won't go so in-depth  each month.

The babies are growing up so fast. Everyone except Tessa is crawling, those four that are crawling are also pulling up, poor little Tessa is just too lazy. I truly think she can do everything the others can do, she just doesn't want to put forth the effort. They are all so funny. They will fight over toys, it seems they always want what the others want. They love to explore and are not scared to crawl into a dark room. They all five adore Brady. They laugh so hard at him and he's (Brady) actually starting to have a lot more to do with them. All the babies love to have lots of attention. It's a good thing we have such a big, supportive, and loving family. They were all really sick with the stomach virus a little over a week ago. That 2 weeks that all 8 of us had the stomach virus were the hardest weeks we've had thus far as a family of 8. Words can't express just how ready I am for warm spring weather. I'm starting (and Brady too) to get cabin fever. It's so tough to be locked inside for so long. But, there are so many people who are sick right now, so staying inside is the only option, if we want to stay healthy. They babies enjoy watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They are eating baby food well. They're starting to get more vocal. All the babies get occupational therapy and physical therapy twice a week. All the girls get speech therapy twice a week as well. So, needless to say, its always busy around here. They aren't all sleeping through the night yet; most of them are doing a lot better, but when you have 5 babies, one of them is bound to be up at some point during the night, which makes it hard on us. I'm so thankful my sweet friend, Shelley, still comes twice a week and lets us sleep. And her sweet daughter, Sarah, has started staying some, so some weeks, we get 3 nights of good sleep. All the babies, except Rayleigh, have 2 teeth. We still don't have a set nap time, but that's something I'm hoping we can work on and start incorporating into our day. Right now, the babies usually sleep during their feeds (when the girls are hooked up to their feeding tubes). All 4 girls still have their feeding tubes.  Brant, Mia, and Rayleigh all have tubes in their ears now. And since all three of them got the tubes they've slept so much better at night.
Gracie, Rayleigh, Mia, & Tessa

Brant in the middle

Now all 6!!!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy keeping up with your children. I started my blog after my second son was born and did monthly updates for the two boys. It was hard for me to come up with things to write about with just two kids; I cannot imagine how hard it is for you to do it for five! I cannot believe that they are almost a year old now. It seems just yesterday that I was reading about their impending birth in the local paper (I live in the same area as you and your family, and as an aside, I too attended UNT!). :) Thank you for the continuing updates on your sweet little blessings!
