Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Quints Pregnancy- Gender Reveal

When I was 12 weeks pregnant we found out the sexes of all the babies! I was so surprised the doctor could tell that early what they were. The machines in Dallas are so much better than Texarkana and you can really see everything so much better. We kept quiet until we got more confirmation, just in case the doc was wrong, before we shared the news. I honestly didn't care what the sexes were, all I care about is that all the babies are healthy. So far every time we go to the doctor we get a good report which makes me a very happy mama.

We always get both of our families together at our house for Thanksgiving and Christmas so we decided to let the gender reveal be an early Christmas present for everyone. We didn't tell them we were making the reveal, they just showed up for dinner at our house. I looked on pinterest for a good way to spill the beans and there's lots of cute ideas, but I had to reveal 5 genders so I had to do something within reason. So we bought Hershey bars and I colored the gender on the wrapper.

Our moms knew ahead of time what the genders were so I let my grandmother, Steven's grandmother, my sisters Kayla and Kristian, and my niece Makenna make the reveal.
He or She.... What will Baby A, B, C, D, & E be??????

Mary Nell, Lene, Kris, Kay & Mak

The perfect combination!!!! 2 little boys and 3 little girls!!!

Baby A, B & C: girls! Baby D & E: boys!!!
Now, since we've made our big announcement the sonographer in Texarkana can only find 1 boy. Dallas still thinks it's 2 boys but aren't acting as sure about the second boy....so I guess we really don't know if it's 2 boys or 1 boy. I hope it's still 2 boys because I like having an equal number of each and we're having so much trouble coming up with girl names. I don't know what we'll do if we have to come up with 4 girl names!!! We'll make it work...girl or boy we'll love whatever God blesses us with!

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