Monday, September 29, 2014

Quints: 6 Months!!!

Seriously, someone pinch me, my babies are half a year old! Only 6 more months until they are ONE!!! I can't believe how fast these past 6 months have gone. They've grown and changed so much since their first days in the NICU. All of them are between 11 to 13 pounds now. They're starting to get little fat rolls. They are happy babies. They all have the sweetest smiles and are getting close to laughing. They're getting better about holding their heads up, are tracking objects well, and trying to grab at toys. They are somewhat mobile now, while lying on their backs they'll kick their  legs and move backwards. We really have to watch the girls when they are eating through the g-tube because they'll scoot away...pulling on the cord. They love to watch tv. They're in size 2 diapers and starting to wear size 6 month clothes. They really are sweet babies and I seriously think they get cuter everyday (I'm only a little bias).
There aren't enough words in the English language to express how thankful I am for all my sweet kiddos. Brady is a ring-tail tooter and keeps me on my toes. He is always making me smile and laugh. He's getting a little more interested in the quints, I'm sure when they can move around and interact a little more he'll have a little more to do with them. Mia, Tessa, Brant, Gracie, and Rayleigh are precious gifts from God. It was this time last year that we found out I was pregnant...we just weren't sure how pregnant at the time. It was a  crazy time in our lives and we were so scared about our future. Thankfully, God blessed us with five beautiful babies. I'm beyond thankful for my big family!

Fun Quint Facts:
I do at least 2 loads of baby laundry each day.
I cut at least one kid's fingernails each day.





(From L to R) M, T, B, G, R

Gracie & Tessa


(L to R) G, T, R, M



Gracie and Gavin

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