Friday, January 22, 2016

Protein Cookies

If you've followed our story long then you know all six of my kids are small. It has been an uphill battle to fatten them up; so much so, that we've started seeing a dietitian for the quints to get some help in that department. Last week a quad mom posted a Protein Cookie recipe that her kids' therapist gave her to help them gain weight. When I saw the recipe I knew I had to try it. I didn't try the cookies but they are quint approved.

Not only are these cookies good for kids who need to gain a little weight, but another quad mom said they are really good for moms who are breastfeeding, so this would be a great recipe for new moms. Also, these cookies would be good for people who work-out and are building muscle. I told my nephew, Gage, about them because he plays high school sports; he was very interested and wants to give them a try. The best part about these cookies is how easy they are to make. All you have to do is throw a few ingredients together, mix them up, and eat!

1 cup oats
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup flax seed
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup natural honey
3 teaspoons coconut oil

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Roll into balls (you can leave them as balls or flatten them out). Place in the refrigerator to harden. Eat & enjoy! (And if you're a Seals kid, hopefully you'll gain some weight.)  :)

You can add Brewers Yeast  (great for breastfeeding moms and people who work out)
You can substitute Nutella for Peanut Butter
You can substitute quinoa for oatmeal

Recommendations for kids:
Kids ~ 7 yrs old & around 45lbs - 3 cookies a day
Kids ~ 3 yrs old & around 35lbs - 2 cookies a day
I give my quints who are ~20lbs 1 cookie a day.
Gather your ingredients.

Add oats

Add chocolate chips

Add flax seed

Add peanut butter

Add honey

Add coconut oil

Mix together 

Roll into balls

I flattened my cookies because I felt it would make it easy for the quints to hold. 
They are that easy!!! The quad mom that shared the recipe said she freezes a couple of cookies and put them in her kids' lunches and they also act as a cooling device. So I'm freezing some for the quints to throw a few in our bag when we go to therapy, they make great snacks on the go.

I'm so thankful I'm a part of a community of moms who share ideas and information that help others out. And I want to do my part in paying it forward so I hope this recipe with be helpful to a few of you who read my blog. This is seriously the easiest recipe I think I've ever used and it honestly took me about 5 minutes to make the cookies.

You can follow us on Facebook at Six Sweet Seals.

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